Part 1
자료실 > speaking > Part 1
names 덧글 0 | 조회 777 | 2016-09-07 00:00:00


1. What is your full name?
텍스트 상자: Given name :이름 (first name)			
Family name : 성
Feel free to call me Jason : 제이슨이라고 편하게 불러주세요

2. Who gave you the name?
텍스트 상자: Spend almost a week : 1주일 정도 시간을 투자하다

3. What meaning does your name have?
텍스트 상자: Chinese characters :한문				
Quite complex : 꽤 복잡한
A noble person on a hill : 산에 있는 귀한 사람
A famous person in the future : 미래에 유명한 사람

4. Can you explain the difference between Korean and Western names?

텍스트 상자: A couple of things :여러 개		
According to their age : 나이 별로
Plus : 더 말하자면	
Common in Western families :서양 가족들한테는 흔하다


1. What’s your full name?

My full name’s Sung Hwan Yoon. Sung Hwan is my given name and Yoon is my family name. But please feel free to call me Jason, which is my English name.


2. Who gave you the name?

Well, it was given to me by my grandmother. I heard that she had to spend almost a week deciding on the best name for me. So I like it very much.


3. What meaning does your name have?

As it can be written in Chinese characters, it’s quite complex to translate into Korean but technically it means “A noble person on a hill.” So I guess my father wanted me to be a famous person in the future.


4. Can you explain the difference between Korean and Western names?

Well, there are a couple of things. Firstly, we have a different way to address people according to their age. So when we’re talking to someone younger we usually say their given name, but for the elderly we never use their name. Plus, when a woman gets married she still uses her family name instead of using her husband’s family name, which is common in Western families.

- 제주도 유일한 off-line 아이엘츠 학원

  제주도 아이엘츠, 아이엘츠, speaking, ielts
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