Part 1
자료실 > speaking > Part 1
Work 덧글 0 | 조회 2,046 | 2016-10-12 00:00:00


1. Are you currently studying or working?

In charge of :~에 관여하고 있다

It’s quite challenging and compelling: 도전적이고 흥미롭다

It pays well, too :돈도 많이 준다

At the moment: 현재는

When I decided to : ~하기로 결심하고는

Preparing for the IELTS test : 시험준비를 하면서

I quit my job : 회사를 그만뒀다

2. Do you enjoy your job? Why?

Plenty of opportunities: ~할 기회를 충분히 갖는다.

Widen my knowledge and skills: 지식과 기술을 쌓다

What I dislike about my work is that: 내가 직장에서 싫어하는 것은

3. Would you be willing to work at night?

If it’s urgent: 긴급상황이라면

A sense of responsibility: 책임감

I should get it [work] done: 내가 그 일을 직접 해야 한다

It’s also true that: ~또한 사실이다

Tend to work unwillingly: 마지못해하다

To consider them reliable staff: 믿을만한 직원으로 여기다

Result in: ~결과를 낳다

4. Which do you prefer between working alone and in a team?

I’m much more interested in: ~을 더 좋아하다

The most important aspect of: ~의 가장 중요한 요소는

The sense of cooperation with: ~와의 협동심이다


Tend to rely on: ~에 의존하는 경향이 있다

A certain level of team spirit:일정의 팀 정신과 협동심

5. If you could change your profession, what would you do?

If I had the opportunity: 내가 기회가 있다면

The field of hospitality: 서비스를 제공하는 전공

Dealing with customers: 손님들을 상대하는 것

A dream of mine: 나의 꿈이다

6. What do you like about your job?

The working environment: 일하는 환경

Be very satisfying: 많이 만족스러운

A stress-free environment: 스트레스 없는 환경

A workload: 작업량

7. How do you think your job will change in the future?

In the near future: 가까운 미래에

Be scarce: 부족하다

Have a tendency to: ~하는 경향이 있다.

Be demanding: 요구가 많은

Be health-conscious: 건강을 의식하다

< Sample answer >


1. Are you currently studying or working?

Well, I’ve been working for a construction company for about 10 years…I’m in charge of contacting companies we’re working with and managing projects…I like my work because it’s quite challenging and compelling, and it pays well, too.

Well, at the moment I’m a full time student of English, preparing for the IELTS test, but... I used to work for a company. When I decided to immigrate to Australia about 6 months ago, I quit my job and now I spend most of my time studying English.

2. Do you enjoy your job? Why?

Yeah, I enjoy my work quite a lot, because... it provides me with plenty of opportunities to widen my knowledge and skills Plus... it enables me to meet with many new people and it’s also quite challenging. But... what I dislike about my work is that I have to work until late at night sometimes, so it’s often stressful. But overall I like my job very much.

3. Would you be willing to work at night?

Erm... If it’s urgent, definitely yeah, because employees should have a sense of responsibility. So... if the company needs me for a certain task, I should get it done. That said... it’s also true that many workers tend to work overtime unwillingly because they want their employers to consider them reliable staff, which results in heavy stress for employees.


4. Which do you prefer between working alone and in a team?

Right... I’m much more interested in group working, because... for me, the most important aspect of working is the sense of cooperation with colleagues. Many jobs these days tend to rely on cooperation, so it’s very important for workers to enjoy working in a group and have a certain level of team spirit.

5. If you could change your profession, what would you do?

If I had the opportunity to change my job I’d work in the field of hospitality, somewhere such as hotels, cafés and restaurants. Erm...It’s been a dream of mine to work in a hotel in an exotic country, and also… providing services to people and dealing with customers is something I’m good at and enjoy

6. What do you like about your job?

Well, I like every aspect of my job. You know, whether it´s the working environment or my coworkers, it’s all very satisfying. I work in a stress-free environment, my workload isn’t too heavy, and my colleagues are very friendly. So I like it.

7. How do you think your job will change in the future?

Erm... In the near future, I think jobs like mine, in construction, will be very scarce due to the fact that Korean people these days have a tendency to work in less stressful or physically-demanding positions. Also... in modern society, people are more health conscious... so in the future, like nowadays, people will tend to stay away from construction sites.

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  제주도 아이엘츠, 아이엘츠, ielts, speaking
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