Part 3
자료실 > speaking > Part 3
Travel 덧글 0 | 조회 697 | 2016-09-28 00:00:00


1. Has the way people travel changed much in the last few decades?

  사람들이 여행하는 방식이 지난 몇 십 년 동안 얼마나 많이 변화됐나요?

(1) How did we travel in the past? Has this changed?
(2) Where did we travel in the past? Has this changed?

(1) 과거에 우리는 어떻게 여행했나요? 이것이 변화됐나요?

(2) 우리는 과거에 어디를 여행했나요? 이것이 변화됐나요?

2. What are some of the problems of long-distance travelling?

   장거리 여행의 몇 가지 문제들은 무엇인가요?

. Tip: Remember to give reasons for your arguments. For example, why is it a problem if we’re tired on holiday?

Tip: 여러분의 주장에 대한 이유를 밝히는 것을 기억하세요. 예를 들어, 만약에 휴가 동안 피곤하다면 그 것이 왜 문제가 될까요?

3. What do people learn from travelling?

   여행을 통해 사람들은 무엇을 배우나요?

Tip: Think about your own experiences of travelling and what you learnt or how you changed to help you.
(1) When we’re travelling, how are our lives different from usual? What luxuries or support do we normally have that we lose while we travel?
(2) How and why does travelling change the way we think or our personalities?

Tip: 여러분 만의 여행 경험 그리고 여러분이 여행을 통해 무엇을 배웠는지에 대해 생각해 보세요 또는 도움을 주기 위해 어떻게 변화했는지

(1) 우리가 여행을 할 때, 어떻게 우리의 삶은 보통 때와 어떻게 다른가요? 우리가 여행하는 동안 잃게 되는 어떤 호사와 support를 보통 때에 가지나요?

4. Do you think the growth of international tourism is a good thing?    

     당신은 국제관광산업의 성장이 좋은 일이라고 생각하나요?

Tip: It can be helpful to consider both sides of the question. If you only discuss the positives, it’s likely that the examiner’s next question will be about the negatives.
(1) What are the positive effects of tourism? Think about culture and business.
(2) What are the negative effects of tourism? Think about culture, business, and the environment.

Tip: 질문의 양쪽 측면을 모두 고려해 보는 게 도움이 될 것입니다. 여러분이 만약 긍정적인 측면들 만에 대해 토의한다면, 시험관의 다음 질문이 부정적 측면에 대한 것들이 될 가능성이 높아질 거예요.

(1) 관광의 긍정적인 영향/효과는 무엇인가요? 문화와 사업에 대해서 생각해 보세요.

(2) 관광의 부정적인 영향/효과는 무엇인가요? 문화, 사업 그리고 환경에 대해 생각해 보세요.

5. How should tourists behave when they visit your country?

  관광객이 여러분의 나라를 방문할 어떻게 행동해야 하나요?

(1) What social customs do Koreans have to follow in Korea? Do tourists need to follow these rules of etiquette too?
(2) How do you behave when you travel to other countries? Do you think tourists should behave in this way when they visit Korea?

(1) 한국에는 어떤 사회관습이 있나요? 관광객이 그 사회관습을 따라야 하나요?

(2) 여러분은 다른 나라를 여행할 때 어떻게 행동하나요? 다른 나라 여행객들도 한국을 방문하면 여러분의 하듯이 해야 한다고 생각하나요?

6. What are the differences between the preferences of the young and old in terms of travelling?

  여행에 관한 젊은 세대와 기성세대간의 선호도는 어떤 차이가 있을까요?

(1) What activities do young people like to do on holiday? Why is this different from the elderly?
(2) Where do young people like to go on holiday? Why is this different from the elderly?

(1) 젊은 세대는 휴일에 어떤 활동을 즐기나요? 기성 세대와 왜 다른가요?
젊은 세대는 휴일에 어떤 곳에 즐겨 가나요? 기성 세대와 왜 다른가요?

7. What should you prepare before going travelling?

   여행가기 전에 무엇을 준비해야 하나요?

Tip: Think about your own experiences of travelling to help you with ideas.

이 질문에 답하기 위해 여러분의 여행 했을 때 어땠는지를 생각해 보세요.

8. Why can’t people these days go on a trip as much as they want?

   요즘 사람들은 원하는 만큼 여행하지 못하나요?

(1) We need time and money to go travelling. Why do many people have less time these days?
(2) Why do many people have less money these days?

(1) 여행을 가기 위해선 시간과 돈이 필요합니다. 왜 요즘 사람들은 시간이 없나요?

(2) 왜 요즘 사람들은 돈이 부족한가요?


< Sample answer >

1. Has the way people travel changed much in the last few decades?
Sure, I’d say so… In terms of transport, there’s a wider variety of ways to travel these days… For example, we can take a coach, a ferry or a plane… And obviously long-haul flights are a very modern phenomenon… Another change is our travel destinations… In the past, people couldn’t go very far because of financial and technological restrictions… But nowadays, it’s very common to travel long distances… So yeah, I think the way people travel has changed a great deal.

2. What are some of the problems of long-distance travelling?
Erm… That’s a tough one… There are a few drawbacks… I suppose when you travel long distances, you often have to take long haul flights, and that can be quite draining, so you might be too exhausted to take full advantage of your holiday… You might also have to deal with jetlag… I mean, it can be difficult to adapt to the time difference, which can also be tiring… So basically there are several disadvantages.

3. What do people learn from travelling?
Right… In my opinion, you can learn a great deal from travelling… I mean, you often don’t have anyone to rely on like parents and teachers, so you have to develop a sense of independence in order to survive on your own in a foreign country… You also normally meet an array of people while travelling, and that can teach you about yourself… I mean, what kinds of people you like, what other people think of you, and what kind of person you want to be… There’s plenty of time for reflection whilst you’re on the road… So I reckon people can learn a lot from travelling.

4. Do you think the growth of international tourism is a good thing?
OK… From my point of view, there are pros and cons… In terms of beneficial effects, tourism can help people from different cultures to understand each other by visiting each other’s countries… And that can be advantageous for business agreements and world politics… But when it comes to harmful influences… Air travel is really detrimental to the environment and contributes to global warming… Tourists sometimes favour global conglomerates, which mean small, local businesses that don’t cater to tourists’ tastes might go out of business… So basically there are benefits and drawbacks.

5. How should tourists behave when they visit your country?
Erm… I guess they should be as polite as they are in their own country… I mean, they should respect others… It’s true that there are a lot of cultural rules to follow in Korea, like bowing to people and serving alcohol with your hand under your arm, but foreigners don’t necessarily have to follow them, they just need to be accepting and respectful… And then there are universal rules of etiquette, like not littering or being too noisy… So those are some rules tourists should follow in Korea.

6. What are the differences between the preferences of the young and old in terms of travelling?
Well, I think there are several differences… In terms of the travel destination, the young tend to go somewhere far away, whereas the elderly often travel domestically, maybe because they get tired more easily… And with regard to activities, young people are often more adventurous and participate in extreme sports, while older people engage in lighter exercise and more relaxing activities like walking… So those are a few comparisons that can be made.

7. What should you prepare before going travelling?
OK… There are plenty of things to take care of… One thing you should do is to make sure to have enough money for food, drink, accommodation, that sort of thing… You also need to exchange money and learn a few survival phrases… You should ensure to book hostels or hotel rooms in advance, too. On top of that… it’s important to reserve transport tickets. It can be stressful if you don’t prepare those things…

8. Why can’t people these days go on a trip as much as they want?
Er… In my opinion, there are various reasons… Um, first of all, our lifestyles are getting more and more hectic. I mean, working hours are increasingly long… On top of that, for younger Koreans, there’s more pressure to succeed academically to get a better job, so they have to spend more time studying… Plus, because of the recession, plenty of people don’t have the money to go on trips… So those are a few reasons why people might find it difficult to travel these days…

- 제주도 유일한 off-line 아이엘츠 학원-

  제주도 아이엘츠, 아이엘츠, ielts, speaking
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