Part 3
자료실 > speaking > Part 3
Work 덧글 0 | 조회 705 | 2016-10-04 00:00:00


1. What kinds of jobs are most respected in your country

   여러분의 나라에서 가장 존경받는 직업군은 어떤 것들이 있나요?

Why do people respect certain professions? Think about education and salary.

왜 사람들이 그런 직업군을 가진 사람들을 존경하나요? 교육과 연봉에 대한 부분을 생각해 보세요.

2. Do you think schools provide enough advice and support for future careers?

    여러분은 학교가 학생들의 미래의 직업을 위한 조언과 지원을 충분히 제공하고 있다고 생각하나요?

What kind of advice and preparation can be provided to help students learn about the world of work?

Do schools in Korea generally provide these?

학생들에게 직업 세계에 대해 가르치기 위해 어떤 종류의 조언과 준비가 제공되어야 할까요?

한국에서는 학교에서 이러한 것들이 제공되고 있나요?

3. Do you agree that salaries should reflect the level of contribution a person makes?

   여러분은 급여가 기여도를 반영해야 한다는 것에 동의하나요?

If you make more effort and take on more responsibilities than your colleagues, do you deserve a higher salary? What are the alternatives? Are these fairer?

만약 여러분이 여러분의 동료들보다 더 많은 노력을 하고 더 많은 책임을 맡고 있다면 동료들보다 더 높은 급여를 받아야 하나요? 그렇지 않다면? 그것이 공평한가요?

4. Do you think more people will work from home in the future?

   미래에는 많은 사람들이 재택근무를 하게 될까요?

What sorts of people work from home these days, and for what reasons?

Do you think these reasons will outweigh the disadvantages in the future?

요즈음에는 어떤 사람들이 어떤 이유로 재택근무를 하나요? 미래에는, 제시한 이유가 단점들을 넘어설까요?

5. Which would you prefer: to have a sole career or various kinds of work experience?

   하나의 직업을 갖는 것과 여러 종류의 직업경력을 갖는 어떤 것을 선호하나요?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of staying in the same career?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of working in different fields?

하나의 직업에 종사하는 것의 장점과 단점에는 무엇이 있나요?

여러 다른 분야에서 일하는 것의 장점과 단점은 무엇인가요?

6. Can you tell me some advantages of having diverse work experience?

   여러 종류의 직업 경력을 갖는 것에 대한 장점을 이야기 해보세요.

What skills and knowledge do we gain from doing various jobs instead of a single job?

How does this benefit us?

하나의 직업에만 종사한 것에 비해 여러 종류의 직업을 가져본 사람들이 얻을 수 있는 능력과 지식은 어떤 종류가 있을까요? 여러 종류의 직업을 가져보는 것이 우리에게 어떻게 도움이 될까요?

7. Do you think occupational training is useful for students?

   학생들에게 직업교육을 시키는 것이 좋을까요?

What skills and knowledge gain students gain from job training and work placements?

 How will this help them decide on their career?

학생들이 직업 교육이나 직업 연수를 통해 얻을 수 있는 기술이나 지식은 어떤 것들이 있을까요?

것들이 학생들이 훗날 직업을 선택하는데 어떻게 도움이 될까요?

8. How can we help students prepare themselves for a better future?

   학생들이 나은 미래를 위해 스스로 준비하도록 하기 위해 어떻게 도울 있을까요?

What skills help to increase job performance? What skills and habits can help us find happiness even when our job situation is difficult?

어떤 기술을 통해 업무 능력을 향상시킬 수 있을까요? 직업 상황이 좋지 않더라도 그 안에서 행복을 찾도록 하는 능력과 습관은 어떤 것들이 있을까요?

9. What are the characteristics of good employees and employers?

   좋은 직원과 고용주의 특징에는 어떤 것들이 있나요?

What makes a good employee/employer – and why? Think of examples using ‘if’.

어떤 점이 좋은 직원/고용주를 만드나요? 이유는? If를 사용하여 예를 들어 보세요.

10. What are the benefits and shortcomings of being a manager?

      매니저가 되는 것에 대한 장점과 단점에는 어떤 것들이 있을까요?

Consider time, money, and job satisfaction to help you answer this question.

이 질문에 답변하기 위해 시간, 돈 그리고 직업 만족도에 대해 생각해 보세요.

11. Do you think teamwork is important?

     여러분은 팀워크가 중요하다고 생각하나요?

What skills do people need for or gain from teamwork?

How do teamwork experiences help us at work or in life?

좋은 팀워크를 만들어내기 위해 필요한 기술이나 팀워크를 통해 얻을 수 있는 기술은 어떤 것들이 있을까요?

팀워크 경험이 직장이나 생활 전반에 어떻게 도움이 될 수 있을까요?

12. Which is more important, a good salary or a job you enjoy?

      만족할만한 급여를 받는 것과 원하는 직업을 가지는 무엇이 중요한가요?

What benefits are there to earning a high salary? How about the benefits of job satisfaction?

 Which benefits are most important to you?

만족스런 급여를 받는 것의 장점은 어떠한 것들이 있을까요? 직업 만족도가 높은 것에 대한 장점은 무엇이 있을까요? 어떠한 장점들이 여러분에게 더 중요한가요?

< Sample answer >

1. What kinds of jobs are most respected in your country?

Right…I guess Koreans generally respect jobs such as doctors and lawyers because... those jobs require special qualifications which are difficult to obtain. I mean, you need to spend many years studying and pass national exams. And… I suppose another reason is those professions have a beneficial influence on society. I mean, doctors save lives and lawyers fight crime. So basically those occupations are admired in Korea 

2. Do you think schools provide enough advice and support for future careers?
Well… I’d say no, generally they don’t. Most schools don’t have a careers advisor who students can ask for advice about jobs, and there are no work placement schemes for pupils to get a taste of different careers… Instead, schools tend to focus on getting good grades, because good results let students enter prestigious universities which you need to attend to get a good job. So no, in general, there isn’t enough support.

3. Do you agree that salaries should reflect the level of contribution a person makes?
I agree to a certain degree, because an incentive system has been proven to be effective for increasing business performance and productivity. I mean, recognising employees’ performance can be very motivating. Also, it can increase job satisfaction and create a friendly competitive environment. For example, I recently got a raise because I worked hard, and I wouldn’t have been as motivated without the prospect of a pay rise. So yeah, basically I agree. 

4. Do you think more people will work from home in the future?
I reckon it depends on the job. Some people like translators or web designers can easily work from home by communicating via email or instant messenger… But for people in other professions, it can be more difficult... Since you can’ t communicate face-to-face with your boss or colleagues, communication can be less smooth… And you might be less productive because you’re not in a working environment. So really, I think some people will work from home, and others won’t.  

5. Which would you prefer: to have a sole career or various kinds of work experience?
Well… I’d have to say a single profession. If you pursue one career, you can focus on the things you need to learn, which could make you more professional and specialised. You can also advance more quickly because you don’t need to waste time learning unnecessary skills and knowledge. Andas a specialist, you can earn a higher salary because you have expert knowledge and are highly sought after. So, I think I’d prefer to have a sole career.

6. Can you tell me some advantages of having diverse work experience?

Right… Having diverse work experience increases people’s ability to cope with many different situations in the workplace. You can also increase soft skills like teamwork, communication skills and awareness. Also, it will help you when you make a long term career choice. I mean, you can try many different jobs and find what really suits you. You can gain the knowledge and skills that you need to hit the ground running and become more attractive employee.

7. Do you think occupational training is useful for students?

Erm, occupational training is very beneficial for students, in my opinion. One of the advantages of vocational training is that it offers students the chance to experience a real work environment. Students can learn what it’s like to take on responsibilities in the workplace, which will help them greatly after graduation. Another advantage is that they can gain practical skills that can be used in a job immediately. This will make them more attractive to employers when they look for a job after graduation. So…For those reasons, I think job training is important for students.

8. How can we help students prepare themselves for a better future?
OK… What’s that saying again? Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a life time. I mean, we need to teach them how to be proactive and support themselves rather than doing things for them. A lot of Korean students have a passive attitude and some lack confidence because they were overly protected by their parents…I believe we should let them be more creative and independent. We can also create a more accepting environment for them to feel comfortable to do what they really want. So those are a few ways.

9. What are the characteristics of good employees and employers?

Ok, there are several features…As for employees, they need to cooperate with other colleagues to complete tasks on time and to a satisfactory level. They also need to work well independently and be productive without needing too much motivation. In terms of being a good employer, you need to know how to set realistic but ambitious targets for employees. Also, it’s essential to have a fair and clear evaluation system. I think those are the characteristics of effective employees and employers.


10. What are the benefits and shortcomings of being a manager?

I’d say there are a few advantages and disadvantages…In terms of benefits, you’d be getting a higher pay. Also, itd probably be more stimulating, since you would face more challenges and wield greater power in decision-making. That said, it could be stressful to have more responsibilities. I mean, managers need to oversee operations all the time and guide people to do their job more effectively. That must take a lot of time and effort – it must be quite draining. So there are a few advantages and disadvantages.


11. Do you think teamwork is important?
Yeah, absolutely. Teamwork is a vital part of jobs within companies… Effective teamwork can increase work productivity and performance, and also it could create a synergy effect. Hmm... sports teams are a good example of that. Sport
s teams show very poor results when they work poorly as a team, and exceptional results when they cooperate well. Likewise, teamwork is crucial in the workplace, too. So yeah, it’s important.


12. Which is more important, a good salary or a job you enjoy?

OK… I’d have to go for a job I enjoy. I think job satisfaction is a key factor in your quality of life. I mean, you spend most of your time working, so if you’re not happy with your profession, you probably won’t be content with your life. On top of that, the more you enjoy your job, the more productive you will be and the better you will perform, which might increase your chances of a pay rise or promotion. So I’d pick a job I enjoy any day.

- 제주도 유일한 off-line 아이엘츠 학원 -

  제주도 아이엘츠, 아이엘츠, ielts, speaking
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