Part 3
자료실 > speaking > Part 3
Objects 덧글 0 | 조회 739 | 2016-10-12 00:00:00


1. Why are many young people keen on electronic devices?

   왜 많은 젊은이들이  전자기기에  관심이  많을까요?

What do young people use gadgets for? Think about social and educational uses.

Remember, this question isn’t about whether young people are too dependent on gadgets

 – it’s just about why they use them. 

젊은이들이 기기를 가지고 무엇을 할까요? 사회적인 그리고 교육적인 사용에 대해서 생각해 봅시다.

이 질문이 젊은이들이 기기에 너무 의존적인가 아닌가에 관한 것이 아님을 염두에 두세요.

그들이 왜 기기를 사용하느냐에 관한 질문입니다

2. What are some disadvantages of electronic devices?

    전자기기의 단점은 무엇일까요?

What negative effects might technology have on health, communication, and education?

첨단 기술이 건강, 의사소통 그리고 교육에 끼칠 수 있는 부정적인 영향들에는 어떤 것이 있을까요?

3. What benefits can the community get from electronic devices?

   커뮤니티가 전자기기의 사용을 통해서 얻을 있는 이득이 무엇이 있을까요?

‘Community benefits’ could mean:
- how gadgets bring us together and make us a community, or
- what conveniences do gadgets bring to everyone’s lives. Make sure to give examples!

커뮤니티의 장점이란:

-기기를 통해 사용자들이 우리가 되고 커뮤니티를 형성하는 점 또는,

기기를 사용함으로써 삶이 얼마나 편리해졌는지.

예를 들어 설명하세요.

4. What kinds of goods will be popular in the future?

   미래에는  어떤  상품이  인기를 끌까요?


Can you think of something, either developed or not yet invented, that would benefit everyone’s lives?

 How would it benefit us? Be as creative as you like!

이미 존재하거나 아니면 발명되지 않은 것 중 사람들의 삶에 도움이 될 수 있는 어떤 것이든 생각해 보세요.

어떤 식으로 도움이 될까요? 창의적으로 생각해 보세요.

5. What kinds of toy are available these days?

   요즘에는 어떤 장난감들이 있나요?

What kinds of toy were popular in the past? How does this compare to the toys available nowadays? Remember, you don’t need to include your opinion on these changes!

과거에는 어떤 장난감이 인기가 있었나요? 요즘 장난감과 비교해서 어떤가요?

 주관적인 의견을 제시하실 필요는 없습니다.

6. What kinds of toy did children play within the past?

   과거에는 아이들이 어떤 장난감을 가지고 놀았나요?

Were toys common in the past? If not, why, and how did children have fun?

If so, which toys were common and why?

과거에 장난감이 흔했나요? 그렇지 않다면 아이들은 무엇을 하고 놀았나요?

흔했다면, 어떤 장난감이 흔했고 이유는 무엇인가요?

7. Do you think children these days have too many toys?

   요즘 아이들이 장난감이 너무 많다고 생각하나요?

What toys are popular these days, and are there disadvantages to these?

What skills do children need that can’t be gained from toys?

Think about the toys you thought about for question 5 and perhaps some of the ideas you had for question 2.

요즘에는 어떤 장난감이 인기가 있나요? 이렇게 된 데 대한 단점이 있나요?

아이들이 장난감을 통해 얻을 수 없는 기술에는 어떤 것들이 있을까요?

5번 질문에서 떠올렸던 장난감을 생각해 보시고 아니면 2번 질문에서 생각했던 아이디어에 대해서도 고려해 보세요.

8. Children tend to be obsessed with toys. What is the reason?

    아이들은 장난감에 집착하는 경향이 있습니다. 이유가 뭘까요?

What are the characteristics of children that make them want to play with toys much more than adults?

어른과 다른, 아이들의 어떤 특성이 장난감을 가지고 놀기를 원하도록 만들까요?

< Sample answer >

1. Why are many young people keen on electronic devices?

Um… I suppose there are plenty of benefits… I mean, when it comes to communication, gadgets allow the young generation to keep in touch with their friends via social networks and instant messengers like Facebook or Kakao talk. And… Socially, technology helps youths to, erm, follow the latest trends through online magazines and blogs. On top of that, I guess there are also educational advantages. I mean, teenagers can use online dictionaries and apps to look up words in English class, for example. So basically… There are a few reasons.

2. What are some disadvantages of electronic devices?

Well… I’d say there are a few shortcomings… I mean, in terms of social interaction, since gagdets have become widespread, we’ve been engaging in face-to-face communication less and less… Instead we just use instant messengers or e-mail, and that could have catastrophic effects on our communication or negotiation skills… Also, um, maybe technology encourages us to do less exercise, which can have a negative influence on health… I mean, plenty of people have turned into couch potatoes watching TV on the box or on their mobile phones… So basically, there are various disadvantages.

3. What benefits can the community get from electronic devices?

OK… The advantages are numerous, I think… I mean, obviously gadgets make our lives more convenient through GPS, for example, which allows us to find our way if we’re lost, and T-money, which is a handy way of paying for public transport. Plus, they can bring us closer together to a certain extent. I mean, through communication software like Skype and social networks, we can stay in touch with people near and far… So I reckon there are lots of benefits.

4. What kinds of goods will be popular in the future?

Right… I think that a key problem at the moment is the issue of transport. I mean, exhaust fumes exacerbate global warming and traffic congestion is increasing. So…. I reckon in the future scientists might invent some kind of teleportation device that would let people get from A to B instantly, which would help solve those problems. It sounds like something straight out of a sci-fi movie but I think it could happen! So yeah… teleportation devices might be popular.  

5. What kinds of toy are available these days?

Erm… it’s hard to say because I don’t have children, but… I think the influence of technology is getting stronger and stronger in terms of toys. I see a lot of kids on the subway playing with handheld video consoles from companies like Nintendo and Playstation… They can play all sorts of games, from educational games to puzzles and mindless entertainment. So I guess plenty of gadgets are available as toys nowadays.

6. What kinds of toy did children play within the past?

OK… Well I think in the past kids played more with each other than alone, so they used toys to participate in team games. For example, when I was younger I used to ball games quite often with my friends, like football, tennis or basketball. So basically equipment for team sports was probably more common a few decades ago.

7. Do you think children these days have too many toys?

Right… I’d say so, yes. I mean, I think it’s essential for kids to spend time playing and enjoying themselves, but toys tend to distract children from more productive activities like learning. For instance, plenty of children only play computer games by themselves and rarely communicate with others, so they don’t gain negotiation skills or interpersonal skills. Um, so… I suppose kids do have too many toys.

8. Children tend to be obsessed with toys. What is the reason?

Erm… that’s a difficult one… I reckon the most obvious reason is that toys are fun! I mean, children tend to have shorter attention spans than adults so they need something to hold their interest, and toys can do that. Also… I suppose toys allow kids to unwind and release the stress they might get from studying. So there are a few reasons, I guess.

-제주도 유일한 off-line 아이엘츠 학원-

  제주도 아이엘츠, 아이엘츠, ielts, speaking
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