Part 3
자료실 > speaking > Part 3
Nature & the Environment 덧글 0 | 조회 742 | 2016-10-26 00:00:00

Nature & the Environment

1. Which environmental problems are people most concerned about in your country?

   여러분의 나라에서 사람들이 가장 우려하는 환경 문제는 무엇인가요?

Has Korea’s development had negative effects on the environment? If so, how?

This question is a good opportunity to use lots of environmental vocabulary, so make sure you do!

한국의 발전이 환경에 부정적 영향을 끼쳤나요? 그렇다면 어떤 영향을 끼쳤나요?

이 질문에 답변하면서 환경 관련 어휘를 많이 사용하시게 될 것입니다. 여러 어휘를 사용해 보세요!

2. Do you think protecting natural places is important?

   여러분은 자연환경을 보존하는 것이 중요하다고 생각하나요?

What benefits to animals get if we protect their habitats?

What advantages are there for human beings if we preserve the natural environment?

동물들의 서식지를 보호하면 동물들에게 어떤 이득이 있나요?

자연 환경을 보존하면 인류에겐 어떤 이득이 있나요?

3. Do you think it is the responsibility of governments alone to protect the environment?

   환경을 보호하는 것이 정부만의 역할이라고 생각하나요?

What can the government do to protect the environment?

 Is there anything individuals and businesses can do?

환경을 보호하기 위해 정부가 할 수 있는 일은 어떤 것들이 있나요?

각 시민들과 기업이 할 수 있는 일은 없나요?

4. How can we teach children about the importance of protecting the environment?

    아이들에게 환경을 보호하는 것의 중요성을 가르치려면 어떻게 해야 할까요?

What can parents do to educate children? How about teachers and schools?

아이들을 교육시키기 위해 부모는 무엇을 할 수 있을까요? 교사와 학교는?

5. What do people enjoy doing when they visit rivers, lakes or the sea?

     Why do you think these activities are popular?

    사람들이 , 호수, 바다를 가면 무엇을 하며 즐기나요? 그런 활동이 인기 있다고 생각하나요?

When do people normally go to rivers, lakes, or the seaside, and why? Pick a few activities, and perhaps use a personal example to extend your answer if necessary.

사람들은 대체로 언제 그리고 왜 강, 호수 해변을 찾아가나요? 몇 가지 활동을 예로 들어보세요. 필요하면 개인적 경험을 이야기해도 좋습니다.

6. How important is it for a town or city to be located near a river or the sea?

     마을이나 도시가 강이나 바다 옆에 위치하는 것이 얼마나 중요한가요?

Is there a reason why cities such as Seoul were established near water?

Consider spirituality, leisure, health, and trade.

서울 같은 도시가 강 옆에 건설된 데는 어떤 이유가 있나요?

정신적인 면, 레저활동, 건강 무역 등에 관해 생각해 보세요.

7. Have there been any changes in the number of jobs available in fishing and water transport  industries, do you think?

   어업이나 해운업 관련 일자리 수에 어떤 변화가 있었나요?

Has technology affected the number of jobs available to fishermen?

Why do people and goods travel by boat less often these days?

기술 발전이 어부의 일자리 수에 영향을 주었나요?

왜 예전에 비해 요즘 사람들이나 상품은 배로 이동하지 않나요?

< Sample answer >

1. Which environmental problems are people most concerned about in your country?

Right…There are various environmental issues that weigh on people’s minds in Korea… Um, firstly, Korea’s developing at an electrifying speed, so there’s a lot of industrial activity and… factories release harmful gases into the atmosphere… So often there’s a great deal of smog and the public suffer from respiratory problems. Also… those fumes contribute to the destruction of the ozone layer, which contributes to the greenhouse effect and global warming or climate change. So basically… there are a few things the public is concerned about.

2. Do you think protecting natural places is important?

Uh, of course… I might need a few seconds to collect my thoughts… Environmental conservation is vital for several reasons… Firstly, I think it’s important to respect animal rights… I mean, often the destruction of animal habitats occurs because of industrial development or pollution, and we’ve got no right to do that… The earth doesn’t belong to humans – we share it with wildlife. Next… the ecosystem is an incredibly delicate thing – if one species goes extinct because the environment is destroyed, other species could die out as well, and that could lead to our own extinction, too… So yeah, I reckon it’s essential.

3. Do you think it is the responsibility of governments alone to protect the environment?

Well, no… The government should play an active role in environmental conservation, but individuals and companies need to do their bit too… In terms of individuals, we should make sure to recycle our own waste and encourage others to do the same… When it comes to businesses, it’s their responsibility to deal with industrial waste in an environmentally-friendly way. For example… Plenty of companies simply dump toxic waste into the sea which harms marine life, and that needs to stop. So basically the public and enterprises needs to participate in the protection of the environment as well as the government.  

4. How can we teach children about the important of protecting the environment?

OK… Parents and schools are key influences when it comes to children… Parents could encourage an environmentally-friendly lifestyle by recycling and conserving energy at home, and instilling the same habits in their kids… At school, children could learn about ways to conserve electricity such as how to properly insulate your home, and they could also study the ill effects of human activity on the environment such as climate change… So those are a few ways.

5. What do people enjoy doing when they visit rivers, lakes or the sea? Why do you think these activities are popular?

Well… I suppose people enjoy doing a variety of things…Active people tend to participate in water sports like waterskiing or surfing… Those sports are a good way to cool off in the summer… On the other hand, other people sometimes go to rivers or the sea to unwind… So they engage in more relaxing activities like sunbathing, reading, or fishing… So those are a few things people do.

6. How important is it for a town or city to be located near a river or the sea?
Erm… I’ve never thought about that one before… I guess I could take Seoul as an example… In terms of spirituality, Seoul was founded between a mountain and a river because it’s good fengshui and allows humans to live peacefully… And on an economic level, port cities and riverside cities tend to be prosperous because they are important centres for trade… Also, when it comes to leisure, rivers and the sea are perfect places for citizens to unwind… So overall I’d say there are various advantages to founding a city or town near a river or the sea.

7. Have there been any changes in the number of jobs available in fishing and water transport industries, do you think?

OK… That’s a tough one…I suppose that overall, the number of jobs has declined… I mean, in terms of the fishing industry, although fishing is extremely important for economies around the world, the development of technology has reduced the number of employees necessary when slaughtering fish, for example… And when it comes to the water transport industry, more people are travelling by plane or train, and cruises are less popular, so I guess there are fewer jobs there too. So in general, perhaps the employment rate has decreased.

- 제주도 유일한 off-line 아이엘츠 학원 -

  제주도 아이엘츠, 아이엘츠, ielts, speaking
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