Part 2
자료실 > speaking > Part 2
Part 2: Events 덧글 0 | 조회 922 | 2016-10-17 00:00:00

Part 2: Events

Describe a memorable event in your life.
1. When the event took place
2. Where the event took place
3. What happened exactly
4. And explain why this event was memorable for you.

Describe a time you felt happy.
1. When and where it was
2. Who was involved
3. What happened
4. And explain why it made you happy.

Describe an event that made you angry
1. When and where it was
2. Who was involved
3. What happened
4. And explain why it made you happy

Describe a family event.
1. Why the event was held
2. Who was there
3. What happened at the event
4. And explain how you felt at the time.

Describe an important historical event.
1. When it happened
2. What happened
3. Who were the most important people involved
4. And say why you think it was important.

Tip: In writing, you should avoid repeating words with the same meaning, but in speaking, we do this all the time. For example, instead of simply saying ‘I felt amazing’, a native speaker might say ‘I felt amazing, I felt absolutely wonderful’. This will allow you to sound more natural and to show off your vocabulary.

: 글을 쓸 때는 같은 의미의 단어를 반복하는 것을 피해야 하지만 말하기에서는 반복을 많이 합니다. 예를 들어서, 단순하게 놀라웠다라고 말하기 보다는, 원어민은 놀라웠어, 정말 훌륭했어,’라고 말합니다. 이렇게 말하는 것이 더 자연스러워 보이고 어휘를 드러낼 수 있는 방법이 되기도 합니다.

Tip: It’s also very natural in English to use intensifiers such as ‘kind of’, ‘sort of’, and ‘really’. Make sure to use them too – but be careful not to use ‘very’ with extreme adjectives (see below).

: 또한, 영어에서는 ‘kind of’, ‘sort of’, ‘really’같은 강조어를 써주는 것이 매우 자연스러워 보인다. 그러므로 강조어를 사용하도록 해보되 매우 강한 뜻의 형용사와 ‘very’는 함께 쓰지 않도록 합니다. 아래를 참조하세요.



I felt (absolutely) amazing* (굉장히) 놀라웠다
I felt (absolutely) wonderful* (굉장히) 훌륭했다

I felt (absolutely) fantastic* (굉장히) 환상적이었다


I felt (absolutely) awful* (굉장히) 끔찍했다
I felt (absolutely) horrible* (굉장히) 소름 끼쳤다
I felt (absolutely) terrible* (굉장히) 끔찍했다


I was over the moon 하늘을 둥둥 떠다니는 듯 했다. 
I was walking on air 하늘을 날 것만 같았다
I was thrilled (to pieces/to bits) 황홀했다


I was down in the dumps 우울했다
I felt (kind of) blue 나는 기분이 () 울적했다
I felt (kind of) gloomy 기분이 () 우울했다


I was (absolutely) furious* (완전히) 격분했다
I was seething 분노가 끓어올랐다
I was fuming 화가 나서 씩씩댔다


I was amazed (good) 나는 깜짝 놀랐다(좋음)
I was appalled (bad) 간담이 서늘했다(나쁨)

I was shocked/astonished (neutral) 나는 깜짝 놀랐다 (중립)


I was (absolutely) terrified*나는 (너무) 무서웠다
I was (absolutely) petrified* 나는 겁에 질렸다
I was afraid 무서웠다


I felt tense 긴장했다
I felt anxious 불안했다
I felt worried 걱정스러웠다

*These are ‘extreme adjectives’. This means you can’t say ‘very…’ e.g. ‘I felt very amazing’ is incorrect English.

*이 형용사들은 극단적인 형용사들이므로 ‘very’ 등과 함께 쓰지 않습니다. 예를 들어, ‘I felt very amazing’과 같은 경우는 잘못 쓰인 경우입니다.


1. Remember to use the correct word class. Students often incorrectly use nouns instead of adjectives, producing sentences such as ‘I was shock’ or ‘I am delight’, which do not make sense in English

1. 품사를 올바로 사용하세요. 학생들은 종종 형용사가 와야 할 자리에 명사를 잘못 사용합니다. 이로 인해 ‘I was shock’ 이나 ‘I am delight’와 같은 잘못된 문장이 나옵니다.

2. Remember the differences between such adjectives as ‘stressed’ and ‘stressful’, ‘bored’ and ‘boring’, ‘delighted’ and ‘delightful’. ‘Stressful’, ‘boring’ and ‘delightful’ are causes and ‘stressed, ‘bored’ and ‘delighted’ are effects. For example, you might feel stressed because somebody or something is stressful

2. 같은 형용사이지만 다른, 예를 들어, ‘stressed’‘stressful’ /’bored’‘boring’ /’delighted’‘delightful’과 같은 형용사의 차이를 염두에 두셔야 됩니다. ‘stressful’, ‘boring’, ‘delightful’은 원인이고 ‘stressed, ‘bored’, ‘delighted’는 그로 인한 효과입니다. 예를 들어, 누군가 혹은 어떤 것이 stressful 하면 당신은 stressed하게 느낄 수 있습니다.

3. Remember to use the correct form of ‘be’ with adjectives and adjectival phrases. Students tend to forget this, especially with adjectives such as ‘(be) surprised’

3. 형용사나 형용사구와 함께 쓰일 때 ‘be’의 형태를 올바르게 사용해야 합니다. 특히 형용사와 함께 사용할 때, 예를 들어‘(be) surprised’ 의 사용에 경우, 이를 잊는 경우가 많습니다.

4. Try not to say ‘I felt good’ or ‘I felt bad’ for IELTS. These are very vague words and are also extremely basic!

4. ‘I felt good’이나 ‘I felt bad’의 사용을 피해야 합니다. 굉장히 모호하기 때문이기도 하고 너무 기초적이고 쉬운 영어입니다.

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  제주도 아이엘츠, 아이엘츠, ielts, speaking
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