Academic Module
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Answer 덧글 0 | 조회 11,659 | 2017-03-24 00:00:00


Example Most people are less productive..... after lunch

7. Our ................ influence our physical and mental performance
8. We are more likely to be productive in the afternoon if we have................ .
9. A person who reacts tends not to see ................ when they are approaching.
10. Assessing the ................ aids us in becoming proactive.
11. A person with a mainly internal locus of control would likely direct blame toward ................ .
12. A person with a mainly external locus of control would likely direct failure toward ................ .
13. A person with a healthy and balanced locus of control would attribute a result, whether negative or positive, to ................ .

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  제주도 아이엘츠, 아이엘츠, ielts, reading
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